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Corey B. Butts

5 Tips to Feel Healthier at Your Desk Job

Fitness is for everyone. Fitness is hard work. Getting and staying in shape is hard work. I don't think anyone ever said that attaining what you want in life is going to be easy. But there are ways to make it work for you and for you to continue on your journey to a healthier you.  Some think you need a gym, heavy equipment, pretty workout clothes; those are just excuses. You can literally workout anywhere!

You know that saying "walk in the park?" Well, getting in shape can be a walk in the park literally. Just walking alone is a very beneficial exercise, which can help you stay in shape, feel more energetic, and get healthy. Not all exercise has to include lifting heavy weights and lots of sweat.  Walking is easy to fit into your basic daily activities, making it one of the easiest solutions for staying in shape.

Some of my campers training on their lunch break! Getting it done at the noon hour.

Here are 5 other ways to feel healthier at your desk job:

Change your desk set up at work. Try a standing desk. Standing helps keep your body active and can help keep the blood flow and maintain your muscles.Walk on your breaks. Don't sit around starring at the wall; walk around a little this will help you stay energized and alert.You might not want to spend an hour or more at the gym anymore on your lunch break, but you don't have to in order to maintain your fitness level. All you need to do to start burning calories is to maintain a higher heart rate for ten minutes at a time. Choose efficient exercise. Try exercises that focus on your core muscles. Like squats, planks, burpees and ab exercise.  Take a 5 minute break and grab a co-worker!Make exercise a social activity. Having a workout buddy or group at work will keep you accountable, motivated and give you something to look forward to throughout the work-week.

In health, Coach Butts

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